Full Members have access to all the many benefits the Tree Improvement Program has to offer. Importantly, this includes access to advanced germplasm developed through our breeding program for propagation and seed production.

All Full Members participate in the selection, breeding, and testing process in a standard and equitable way. Full Members also participate in Cooperative research activities. This participation sets the floor level of progress and accomplishment for the program. This is where Cooperators truly cooperate. In return, Full Members gain access to all of the information, germplasm and research findings derived from the Tree Improvement Program.

Dues are currently $30,296 annually. New members are assessed an initiation fee of 5 times the annual dues at time of joining. Initiation fees are paid in full before access to germplasm is granted.

Admission of new Full Members requires a recommendation for admission by the Director of the Program and a majority vote for acceptance by the Advisory Committee.
